Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Your Pardon, Mr. President

But I did not watch your inaugural ceremony, speech or anything else, although I could have. I caught some clips after the fact, and I will listen to your speech on YouTube later, I am sure.

Please do not feel bad about my non-attendance. The truth is, there have been 11 presidential elections since I began paying attention to them, nine of which I was actually able to vote in, and I have watched none of the ceremonies. You are only the fourth president to win with my vote. The others didn't need it. Pity.

It isn't that I do not care. On the contrary, I care very much. The last two elections had me so discouraged I told myself I would not vote again. However, when the Moment of Decision came, I exercised my right - not duty. But I refused the little sticky thing to brag about voting. I didn't feel there was anything to brag about. And what has taken place in my home state only feeds that despair.

Several of the blogs I visit had postings and subsequent comments revealing high emotions surrounding your particular election to office. And this time I feel the new president was elected. This is an historic moment. But historic moments do not put chills on my arms. When the planes took down the towers in New York I felt sick. That was not my reaction to you, by the way. No, I am afraid I was too busy being happy about the exit of the old to consider the entrance of the new.

You got my vote, but not because I believed in you. That is my primary reason for withholding any comment on the other blogs, where your real supporters reside. They deserve their joy, and I have no right or desire to taint it.

But I have become cynical, and I now find it extremely difficult to believe in the people and institutions which govern my nation. Too many times I see the guilty paid to go free. And I've seen more than my fair share of enthusiastic candidates give up all of their ideals once in office. Decisions have not been made based on what is right or good, but rather on what brings in the most money and/or votes.

So I had no expectations of you as a president. I voted for you because I was convinced you would be the President. Your supporters confess their doubts now, but I never did. For me, the election took place in the spring, when you defeated Hilary Clinton. After that I did not doubt.

However, I did not vote just to say I voted for the winner. (I've voted for plenty of losers in my time.) You got my vote because I had a decision to make: Support the new President, and trust and help him to achieve the things he represents; Continue the same relationship with the new President that I have had with the old. I chose to support you and what you stand for. I made myself no delusions regarding what would happen. I would simply watch and help where I may.

To that end let me add this: more than any of the eleven predecessors (only seven men) I referenced at the start of this post, you have demonstrated the hope of positive change. Some have been upset over certain, specific decisions you have made. I don't concern myself with minor details like that. I hardly expect to agree with your every decision, and I am hardly qualified to state the rightness/wrongess until after the fact. What I look for is general direction. If I take a major highway expecting to reach a city to the north, I do not worry if the road veers left or right - as long it returns to course. So far, before your presidency, I have seen that. You are showing the signs of being a great president. I hope you are. We need one. Presidents are put in office by God. My hope is that you have been put there to help us out of the mess we are in.

In the meantime, Mr. President, congratulations. You do not have my cheers or tears because that is not my nature. What you have, pitiful as it is, is my support. If I can help, I will.

Good luck to you.

You are going to need it.



jaz said...

This is well stated. I wish for everyone to be swept up in it, but I know everyone is not. Even within my own family! :)

Bevie said...

Yeah, I wish I could be. It's just that I've learned to be miserly with my enthusiasm. Too many disappointments. Swindlers use emotion to sway their prey.

My sister-in-law has a different approach. This is what she said to me once:

"I prefer to get excited about a thing before the fact, because after the fact there may not be anything to be excited about."

While it's too early to know for certain, I'm thinking we may have just got ourselves an excellent president. He seems to want to include everybody. And that is refreshing.

Ms Sparrow said...

The world is holding its breath waiting for what comes next. Can Obama possibly be everything to everybody?
Ms Sparrow

Bevie said...

"Can Obama possibly be everything to everybody?"

No. That is impossible. Even our most acclaimed presidents had their share of people who absolutely hated them. And in helping one group it seems impossible not to harm another.

My thinking is that it isn't important for President Obama to satisfy the desires/needs of any particular group, or individual - including me. What is important is that he be the kind of president who will help our nation recover. If he can do that, then he will be a great president.

Remember, few people actually liked President Lincoln when he was alive. Yet he held the nation together in its darkest hour.

This hour may not be quite so dark, but it isn't far off. We need a president we can rally around. President Obama's task is daunting, but I'm thinking he may be the best one to take it on.

We'll see.