Friday, January 9, 2009

Respecting One's Elders

We just got home from the library. Spouse and I drove to school to bring Son home, but along the way we went to the local library. AC suggested I read Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austin, and LaughingWolf had posted a bit of a review on Legacy of Secrecy, by Lamar Waldron, which I thought might make an interesting read.

So of course the library had neither of those books. I put myself on the waiting list for Pride and Prejudice. They never heard of Legacy of Secrecy. They said to check back in a month. Spouse and Son got the stuff they wanted. [pout]

So we get home and what does Son say to me? Let's go down and exercise. Well, I didn't feel like it, so I offered a suggestion: How's about I don't exercise today, but go twice tomorrow? Son responds with: How about we exercise once today and once tomorrow? Who does he think he is? He's only twelve years old. I would never have dared speak to either of my parents like that. I respected their authority (and that they would beat me to a pulp if I did). Of course, neither of my parents would have given me the admonition I gave Son when we began this whole thing: No matter what I say, unless I'm honestly sick (and not faking it), or some other emergency occurs, don't let me get away with not walking. Unfortunately for my laziness, Son is still very obedient.

So I walked. Even though I'm the parent and he's the Son, I did what he said. Why? It's all about respect. If I didn't walk, I would lose his. That would be far worse than any discomfort I would feel taking a short stroll.


Stacy said...

Glad you're getting some exercise.

Bevie said...


I walk the treadmill while my son does push-ups. As he dropped to begin his regimine I gave him a look and said, "You big meanie."

He laughed. He learned my sarcasm and humor a long time ago.