Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Found It!

A number of years ago I paid a local artist ten dollars to create an icon for some business cards I wanted to have printed. She made a nice drawing to my specifications and I paid twenty-four dollars to have the cards printed.

And then I never had the courage to give them away.

So the cards remained in their box - with the original artwork - and followed me as I moved once, twice, three times, four and now five times. Unfortunately, since moving here the cards - and the original artwork - became "misplaced". I have been searching for them for a couple of days now, but to no avail. Well, today they resurfaced. It turns out Spouse had put them away. I hate that. But I have them now - with the original artwork.

Of course, the cards are useless now. The telephone numbers listed are completely obsolete. But I still like the image. I was working as a reporter for a small town newspaper at the time, and my thinking was that I would have a regular column called, Bevie's Corner, in which I would provide words of brilliance. I never had the courage to ask for that, either. The paper doesn't even exist anymore. It went out of business about a year after I left.

Anyway, here's the image. I still like it. I would trade it for the cat I have now except I really like the cat. I'm thinking of changing my blog title from BBJD to Bevie's Corner. Over on The Great Sea (another of my blogs), I proposed changing my title to PorkBelliedPanther.

I'm not sure what to do.

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