Thursday, February 26, 2009

Surgery Over

This is just an update on my mother, who had surgery this morning for cancer.

The surgeon said all went very well. Better than she expected. Now it is just a matter of Mother getting rest and healing up. That is the current risk. Mother is 82, diabetic, and she has leukemia. These things put her at especial risk for about 72 hours.

Thank you for any thoughts and prayers your gave, and have time to give over the next few days.


God bless.


jaz said...

I'm glad it went well, Bevie. I know the next couple of days are risky but hang in there. I will say a prayer for her. Take care.

Bevie said...

Thanks, Jennifer.

Prayer has been working. Even the surgeon confessed to that.

Ms Sparrow said...

I'm so glad it went well, Bevie. It sounds like she's a strong person. I hope that strength carries her through.
More importantly, YOU are also a strong person. You have weathered many personal storms and still remain optimistic. Hang onto that because God is expecting great things of you!

Bevie said...

Thanks. She is a strong person. Or, she has been. She's not so strong as she was, and this took a lot out of her. My concern is how quickly she regains her strength.

God has been expecting great things of me all my life.

I've never delivered.

Keep thinking about the fig tree Jesus cursed.