Sunday, February 15, 2009

Different Ways of Saying Things

This started out as a simple post about forgiveness. Then it became a full sermon. Then I dumped the entire thing.

If you have read much of my blogs at all you already realize I am hardly a perfect person. I am beset by a lot of neurotic problems which some say make me an embarassment to my faith.


That's the way it should be, I think. Given all that God has given me, if I weren't neurotic I would probably not pay God any heed at all. So my blessing is that I happen to be a bit nuts. Okay?

And now the message for today. It may not be for everyone. It may not be for you today. But since you are here reading this, I would like you to know this.

Whatever your faith, denomination, sect, religion, or whatever you choose to call yourself, God loves you. God forgives you. Paste these words on your heart, so that when you have days when you don't think you believe it, you can turn to God again.

God loves you. God forgives you.
God is truth.

That is the Gospel of God. It includes everyone.


jaz said...

Wow, Bevie. This is great. This weekend a long supressed memory came back, something I regret and feel bad about, a time when I may have hurt someone and later something bad happened. Intellectually, I have a pretty good idea that even if I had acted differently the bad thing would have still happened, but what if it wouldn't have? So I am having a hard time shaking it and this was nice to read.

Bevie said...

Absolutely, Jennifer.

One sad thing is that forgiveness doesn't always put things back the way they were. Another is that we never know what would have been.

I hope God comforts you.

Here's something else I believe: Nobody can love you unless God does first. So if anyone - spouse, child, parent, friend - loves you, then you can know God loves and forgives you, too.

You have a great day.