Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Warm November Evening

Here's wishing I had something clever and worthwhile to say. Once again, my lack of education and experience leave me a dull write and a even more dull read. Pity.

One of the things about growing up in a small town without cable, cell phones or internet: one can get a completely false idea of just how clever one is. The internet is quite an eye opener. I have only met a few people online, but generally they are quite fantastic people. Well educated. Well skilled in the things I wish I were well skilled in. There are some pretty impressive people on this planet.

Pity I'm not one.

Guess I'm jealous.

1 comment:

Ms Sparrow said...

Don't be so down on yourself! Anyone who writes as well as you has a right to consider themselves quite intelligent. Stop focusing on the things you aren't and "get down" with the things you ARE!