Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How it Goes One Never Knows

Tried twice now to write a post on two different subjects. No good on either post. Figured nobody cared and dumped it. So I'm writing this. Nobody cares yet, but I'm not writing anything I think is important, so that's all right.

We were at the food shelf the other day. One of the things they gave us was a bag of malted eggs. You know the kind. They're really popular at Easter. I think that's when these were made. Easter. 1976.

Another thing they gave us was a box of pasta shells with cheese. I had it for lunch. Oh my God! I don't know what the orange stuff was, but it certainly didn't taste like cheese. But, since beggars can't be choosers I ate it - or as much as I could stomach. And now I'm thinking I might be using the bathroom for other reasons than it's original intention.

I realize it's horrible to complain about food when it's free, but the truth is, it wasn't good. Not for me.

Somebody must actually like the shells and cheese stuff or they wouldn't keep making it. Unless it's made exclusively for food shelves. Don't know. If you haven't tried it I don't recommend it.

As to the malted eggs - well. We'll let that rest, too.

Not everything at a food shelf is like that. We got a box of Cremettes Spaghetti noodles. That's a good brand. And we got some canned vegetables, Rice Krispies, Cheerios, and a package of frozen chicken. Some of the brands we get I've never heard of or seen before, but generally the food is good.

I guess my point is this: If you give to a food shelf, Thank You. I know we don't live in the same area, so I'm not getting the actual food you donated, but you, and people like you, mean people like my Son get to eat instead of go hungry. For had we not gone to the food shelf this week Son would not be eating tonight. Once, we gave, too. Now we take. I hope you never have to. It's not a good feeling. Not good at all.


fairyhedgehog said...

I've never heard of malted eggs. It doesn't sound like I'm missing much.

Bevie said...

They're like malted milk balls, only instead of brown chocolate covering they have bright colors of blue, yellow, white, and pink. The good ones are also called Robin's Eggs. They're mostly an Easter treat.

When they're fresh they can be quite nice.

Here's a link