Monday, April 6, 2009

Medication After All - Pity

Well, the good news is this time the clinic remembered to call me with my test results. (I had already forgotten.) The bad news is that my results were so bad the doctor decided to prescribe medication after all. It's tablet form, so I don't have to do daily blood checks, and I'm not injecting myself with insulin.

My overall blood whatever was a little more than twice what it should be, and my glucose level was about five to six times too high. Pity.

Still, the thinking is that if I lose the 150 pounds and quit with the pop and snacks, these results will go away and I will be (kind of) healthy again.

In line with that, I bought some of the ingredients for recipes which Jennifer, Ms. Sparrow, and Writtenwyrdd gave me. Thanks to all of you for helping.

Spouse and I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and got some of the things we needed, including Turmurac, which I have never before used, and garlic. Also bought some aspharagus. I used to eat wild aspharagus when I was young. Mother would send me out to find it and I would being it home and cook it up. Haven't eaten aspharagus in years. Hope I still like it. Anyway, we're going to give lentil soup a go for lunch.

Also got some apples and strawberries to replace the chips I like to eat. The apples are Braeburn, and they're not exactly in season, so they're not the best. But I like Braeburn apples. I believe they're from Australia. Some of the strawberries are nearly as big as apples. They were in packages 2-for-$5,00. The apples were about a dollar each.

I'm up and about a bit more today, although I'm not pushing myself, Mother Hen. [smiles] I just happen to be feeling a bit better, that's all. My chest doesn't hurt, and even my throat feels better (after about a half dozen giant mugs of Organic Throat Coat tea). My nose is dripping like a leaky faucet, though, and that is making me cough. But I think I should be on the mend by Wednesday. Hope so. Colds and such are quite a nuisance. So is taking medicine.

Thank you all for watching over me. For those who have an interest, I added a link to the Whale Watching post which takes you to a page I created explicitely to track my weight, steps, and general exercise. I think I'll skip eating habits for now.

Thanks, all, for caring.

Oh, and on on unrelated note: If you have noticed my Avatar disappearing from your Following list, it isn't because I quit following. Blogger has been picking on me. Last week I even wondered if perhaps my account hadn't been hijacked or something. Anyway, I'm still following, but the blogs I'm following no longer seem to know it. What's odd is that all of a sudden I'm also following my own blogs. And when I try to click on settings I just get errors. Don't you just love it.

But I haven't left you!


Mother Hen said...

I'm sorry you need the medication after all. Let's hope you won't need it once you get fitter.

I'm glad you're looking after yourself too.

fairyhedgehog said...

Just commenting so that I get the replies in my email.

writtenwyrdd said...

Gak, it sucks to be you right now! I hope you feel better soon. As far as the "whale watching" blog goes, you can do all that on daily.plate while you track your food intake and exercise and keep a diary.

I hope you are not being too hard on yourself. The use of "whale watching" makes me think you may be, and you've got enough to deal with without playing blame game on yourself.

There are a ton of low carb recipes and (thank ye gods) splenda.

Bevie said...

Thanks Mama H.

Good thought, Fairy. I should do that.

Bevie said...

Hi, Writtenwyrdd.

Well, you've got your issues, too. I ready your post. My diary will be my page. I'm not tracking food and won't be unless I can't lose at least two pounds a week by summer.

It's my humor. I would have used it on my page but the title was already taken. I do get mean to myself. It was one of three complaints my manager had with me when I worked in software, and the only one which was valid.