Friday, April 10, 2009

A Blog Advertisement

I need to take classes in marketing. I should have posted this hours ago.

The Stories Have Begun Arriving at
The Legion of On-Line Super Heroes

Today, tomorrow, Sunday and Monday will all produce first entries by four different Authors

Read works from Internationally Known Authors such as:

Writtenwyrdd - the famous Speculative Fiction Writer in the east
Blogless Troll - the dashing Writer from Kiribati
Whirlochre - the clever King of the British Isles
fairyhedgehog - Castle Windsor's Lady in Waiting
freddie - the midwest's Star of Music and Wonder
Lisa - the Poetic Mistress of Feline Purrs
Ms. Sparrow - Famed Minnesota historian

and, how could we forget

Bevie James - ambiguous, paranoid, but good-hearted

If you have time, give the blog a look-see.

Well worth the 500-word reads


fairyhedgehog said...

Is there a link to the blog?

Bevie said...

Fairy. You're laughing at me, aren't you?

Well, I fixed. Had to take my arm out of the sling (from patting myself on the back over my cleverness) to do it.

My brilliance knows no bounds.

Thanks for pointing it out.

boy, do I feel dumb

Firestar said...

You are dumb. But what do you expect? You're human.

But I like you. purrrrrr

fairyhedgehog said...

You're not dumb, you're human.

What does Firestar know, he's a cat.

Bevie said...

I thought cats knew all? Or is that only on their own blogs? [smiles]